Chainsaw Warrior Mutants

Chainsaw Warrior Mutant Models

Chainsaw Warrior Mutant Models

More Chainsaw Warrior mutants

More Chainsaw Warrior mutants

Original card

Original card

Last year I created a game using Space Hulk rules in a Chainsaw Warrior setting, which I’m finally getting round to fully documenting here (and I still need to finish the rules so that they can be posted). I needed models for all the key cards, which was difficult as most had never been released; in many cases the only source was a small picture on the card of the head, so I didn’t even know what they were supposed to look like. In the game there are four mutants, one each of red, yellow, green and blue. As individual characters – and pretty powerful ones at that, they needed to be well-represented. I thought they would probably be a bit larger than human size, as they have good close combat values. The red mutant is the weakest at 10, then 12 for yellow, 14 for green and 16 for blue. That makes the blue mutant the second highest combat value after Darkness – higher than even the Meat Machine.

The models that I have used are my own sculpt made from green putty on a thin wire armature. I have cast them up at home as described in this blog post. The casts weren’t perfect but pretty good – these were painted without any additional putty work. I wondered about making variants, but then I decided that I rather liked the way that they were identical, echoing the original cards which were also identical apart from the colour.

On the photo below, you can see that I have painted their close combat score on the back of the base for reference. Originally I was going to simplify this a bit in the Space Hulk game and give all the mutants the same score, but it’s pretty easy to remember and you can always keep their counter to hand for reference (plus it’s on the base).

Back of mutants

Back of mutants

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