Trading Guilder

I am working on a scenario for BOYL 2016 called “Inquisitor Cynole and the Temple of Gloom”. It’s based on a snippet from the Book of the Astronomicon – read more about it on the Oldhammer forum here.

One of the factions is the “Trading Guild” and I have just painted this as a potential […]

Second Frostgrave game

For our second ever Frostgrave game, we played a four way game. After a quick reincarnation, my warband came back exactly as it had been at the start of the first game. Rowan’s was enhanced by adding a couple of higher quality henchmen such as a knight. We played on a 3’x3′ table again, with […]

First frostgrave game

The scene is set

On Saturday, Rowan and I headed over to the Games Emporium at Mansfield to try out Frostgrave. A helpful member of staff helped us through the first couple of turns while we got the hang of the rules. We both had starting warbands. I fielded a Thaumaturge, Apprentice, Barbarian, 2 […]

Chainsaw Warrior Mutants

Chainsaw Warrior Mutant Models

More Chainsaw Warrior mutants

Original card

Last year I created a game using Space Hulk rules in a Chainsaw Warrior setting, which I’m finally getting round to fully documenting here (and I still need to finish the rules so that they can be posted). I needed models for […]

First frostgrave models

2016 is turning into a bumper year for blog posts. Here are the first couple of models painted up for Frostgrave. On the left we have a marksman – Rowan’s costliest henchman, and on the right is my biggest spend – a barbarian. I’ve based all the Frostgrave models on 20mm square, because I was […]

Hazmat suit

A model from the tail end of 2015 here – Hazmat for Hazardous Materials, by the way. This is from Casting Room Miniatures – an offshoot of Wargames Foundry. A useful model for scenarios, who would very much fit in with the zombies and SWAT teams previously shown, and is also anonymously sci-fi enough to […]

Hittite infantry

At long last got around to revamping the Hittite footsoldiers. I had around 120 from 20 years ago, since when more pictorial interpretations have been published and superior figures produced, unfortunately in 28mm starting with Foundry rather than 15mm. I had a fair stock of unpainted figures, and decided to pad them out with some […]

SWAT team – early sculpts

SWAT team sculpts

These are some of my earliest scratch-built models, which I have finally got round to painting and basing. From what I can remember they were the 4th, 5th, 6th & 7th that I ever sculpted – going from left to right. I’ve now sculpted about thirty models in total. This set […]



This rather nice model from Black Tree Design ticked two boxes – he has been sitting around for about a year half painted, so that’s a tick for finishing things off, and I’m also trying to collect models for Frostgrave (that’s one of the key projects for 2016), and there’s something very suitable […]

Zombies first to be finished in 2016

One of my resolutions for 2016 is to clear up some of the half finished models that have been hanging around in the painting tray, many for months. Another resolution is to try to avoiding starting anything that isn’t in the top three projects list (to be disclosed later).

These are the last eight of […]