Ancient ruins unearthed

Digging around in some old boxes, I came across a few treasures, and this is one of them. Rogue Trader aficionados will recognise it instantly. Yes, it’s the ruin from Battle at the Farm. It has been lightly customised with a few burnt matchsticks and some reindeer lichen for that proper eighties feel.

Ruin from Battle at the Farm

Ruin from Battle at the Farm

I got this from the Warhammer Townscape set – which was a collection of all the card buildings they had released to date, but the ruin originally featured in Bloodbath at Orc’s Drift. The graffiti below is a bit of a pointer that it didn’t originate from Rynn’s World – or perhaps “Pulp the Stunties” is a sign that anti-Squat feelings are running high.


Detail of ruin

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