Three savage orcs

These were going to be my entry for Orctober, (see Oldhammer forum here, but I didn’t get them finished in time. I bought these three at BOYL 2014. They didn’t have shields, so I decided to scratch build something suitable. I’d been doing a couple of classic green putty ‘ugly face’ designs, so I thought I’d do some kind of face, but I wanted something a bit different to emphasise their character as savage orcs not just ordinary orcs. I googled “tribal masks” and copied some of the features, trying to make them a bit more orcish. They are made from a layer of green putty over a mounting board shape. The one on the far left was sculpted by my 11 year old, who is trying to get to grips with a bit of sculpting, and I think it has come out really well.

My old orcs were all Goblin Green, highlighted with Bilious Green. I’ve branched out a bit with these ones – the middle one is Foundry Phlegm Green and the one on the right is Goblin Green but with far less yellowy highlights. I briefly considered some kind of brown for the skin, but for me orcs really ought to be green.


Savage orcs with scratch built shields


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