Helsreach buildings

Before I get started on making some buildings specifically for Helsreach, (that’s the Logan’s World city featured in Rogue Trader – nothing to do with the later book), I thought I’d collect up all the pictures for reference. Here they are in one handy image. 

Architectural elements are:

  • Adobe mud buildings
  • Small square or rectangular windows
  • Lines of wooden beams projecting from walls
  • Rough planking
  • Small projecting balconies
  • Signs – many vertical and mostly in an oriental character set
  • A generally ‘piled-up’ haphazard look

I’m thinking foam card (which isn’t perfect for adobe but looks ok once textured), combined with rough balsa wood and printed out signage. Does anyone know what the oriental characters that he has used are – I could do with finding some images that look similar to do a cut and paste with?

3 comments to Helsreach buildings

  • When I contacted Carl a few years ago, asking for clarification on the text on one of the Walker’s signs in Helsreach, he told me it was from a 2000AD comic book character “Mutie the Pig”. So, I suppose that the rest of the text used in the illustrations could be taken directly from the same setting? Or, it could just be elaborate gibberish? I’m not sure.

    If your curious, why not flick him an email? I found Carl to be very friendly and happy to answer my questions.

    I’m looking forward to seeing what you make. I’ve been really impressed with the creations I’ve seen you produce in the past.

    Cheers 🙂

  • Aidan

    Thanks, I’ve emailed him.

  • Looks like the signs are a mix of either Chinese or a made up language like Klingon.

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