Chainsaw Warrior board sections for download

Ready to assault the second floor

Ready to assault the second floor

Chainsaw Warrior Downloads This link contains the images to print out two different Chainsaw Warrior boards, as used in the playtest. Each board comes in 4 pieces so it can be printed on an A4 printer (irritatingly, you can’t quite fit them on to 2 prints, because the length of a print is 29.7cm minus about 1.2cm for the print margins – i.e. not quite 30cm).

These should be stuck on to 30cm hardboard squares. Most large B&Q stores have a free timber cutting service. Buy a 1.2 x 2.4 metre hardboard sheet (that’s 4x8ft) and have them slice it up for you. There’s just enough to get 32 squares, which isn’t bad at for £7.85 for the lot. I then used a scalpel and metal ruler to slice off the unprinted borders from the prints before sticking them down with spraymount. If you cut them carefully then the joins are just about invisible.

You will need two boards for each floor. We had 6 altogether, but you could get away with 4 by recycling the first floor as the third while they make their way across the second.

I am working on versions of the blips, doors etc. and will make them available for download, along with the rules. Come back soon!

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